The Day After Tomorrow

One useful way to think about Sun Tzu's The Art of War is that if offers a proven, well-organized system for thinking about the future, not only tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow. For example, after the Madrid bombings, about 10% of the voters reacted with fright, switching their votes from the conservative party to the socialist party. Impending economic disaster aside, what is it that these voters expect to happen. Alright, tomorrow, (after June) the Spanish will pull out of Iraq. What will happen after that? We know from human nature that at least some of the 1 million Muslims living in Spain still will not be happy. Are these unhappy people now more inclined or less inclined to use bombs and terror to make their point? Spain has taught them that terror pays. Sun Tzu taught that people continue to do what has worked for them in the past. A few in Spain seem to think that people will abandon what has worked in the past out of the goodness of their hearts. The biggest danger to democracy is that voters have not been educated to think concisely about the day after tomorrow.