
The funny truth

People say all the time: "Secrets don't make friends." Strategically however, most of the time, the opposite is true. This is because of Personal Relationships with people, that usually, in order to have the trust others, and gain competitive knowledge, you must be able to keep a secret or two. Overall, the more you know, the more power you have... not just in your own knowledge, but in having the freedom to choose whether to share information or not and how.

Warrior's Rules: 

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"Bank error in your favor collect $100"

in a land called Atco, a series of strategic, victories and blunders alike happen to it's citizens and their organizations. It is up to the brave Sun-Tzu Warriors to share and reflect on these. these are their stories. Sometimes Strategic Surprise is beneficial, even if still completely shocking. a few months ago, it was normal for us as a Boy Scout troop (806) to be restarting on our fundraising every year, after summer camp. The only new thing about this year, is that we have now a full comittee for our troop.

Warrior's Rules: 

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