SOSI Mission

SOSI's mission is to promote the understanding of the Sun Tzu's Rules that began with Sun Tzu's The Art of War. By promoting this body of rules, we work to improve the world by helping individuals find success in their lives more quickly and easily.

In doing so, we also seek to eliminate most of the costly conflict in the world. Though these Sun Tzu's Rules are based upon the traditional strategy, the system is known as "winning without conflict" because its stresses the fact that conflict is the most costly way of winning. The force of conflict might decide a single battle, but success is won by creating positions that others cannot attack and ideally want to join.

This body of rules is based on the idea of positioning and advancing positions. It teaches that we best advance our position by making good decisions about conditions in our environment. Our mission is to explain, organizing, and systematize the master of these rules.

Competitive Arenas: