Action Decisions

Seeing the Opportunity: Gustav and the Republicans

One of our most basic lessons is that opportunities are hard to see because they usually look like problems. A perfect example is the hurricane Gustav coming during the Republican Convention. What an opportunity to make a statement against the overblown self-importance of politicians! Especially if the Republicans want to position themselves as doers rather than just talkers. The best idea I have heard is that the Republicans should use all the people gathered together as the basis of a telethon, to raise money for the storm's victims. Each state could compete for pledges and volunteers.

Redividing the Ground: Palin as VP Pick

Part of Sun Tzu's rules for picking the right battles is knowing how to "divide" the ground. ("You can divide the ground and yet defend it." AOW 6:3:15) We get locked into seeing the ground as fixed and limited, but new ground is constantly being created by the way we divide it. ("Surprise is as infinite as the weather and land." AOW 5:2:5) For example, listening to the Sunday talk shows, the pundits don't seem to realize that Palin redivides the ground in a new way. No, she doesn't get the hard-core Hillary feminist who is pissed at Obama.

Sharpening Positions: Sloppy Positioning By McCain

Positions are clarified or muddied by the words we choose to describe them. You should work on positioning statements over and over until they work effortlessly. The words used to describe values and philosophy are especially critical. For example, on one of Sunday morning new shows McCain said, in describing his reform positions that, "America needs to changing." This is terrible positioning because it feeds his opponent's values. What he should be saying is, "America doesn't need changing. Washington D.C.


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