
McCain Rupudiates Bailout: Year Late, Trillions Short

During the 2008 election, we explained how McCain's "bailout" response enabled Obama's win. It exposed McCain's lack of a consistent economic philosophy that would have allowed him to adapt to an unexpected event in the final days of the campaign. Sun Tzu teaches that a clear philosophy is the core of any strong strategic position.

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"Guns-a-blazing" - ObamaCare Desperation Time

Fans of train wrecks should enjoy the continuing health care battle. In a recent article of this topic, we used it to explain Sun Tzu's "Limited Situation," the penultimate stage in a campaign ([node:content/strategic-principle-day-647-limited-situations-occur-vulnerable-transition-point link]). After explaining how the appropriate methods were not being used, that article ended with a simple prediction:

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