Sun Tzu's Methods

Self-Destructive Attacks: The Obama Media and Palin

Sun Tzu's method is called "winning without conflict" because the heart of the method is advancing your position while avoiding destructive battles. While all battles are destructive, the most destructive are those attacking an opponent's strong point. As the saying goes, it doesn't matter if the rock hits the pitcher or the pitcher hits the rock, it's going to be bad for the pitcher. When you don't see an opening to move into, you are better doing nothing that simply attacking for the sake of fighting.

Experience is the Great Teacher: Is Palin Experienced Enough?

Though we base our teaching on Sun Tzu's The Art of War, you don't gain skills in strategy (or any other valuable skill) from reading a book. Developing true skill requires experience, which is why our training focuses on exercises in decision-making. However, there is a BIG difference between ten years of experience and one year of experience repeated ten times. For example, take Gov. Palin's experience as governor. Is two years of experience enough? You all know from your own careers that it doesn't take four years to find out if someone can do a job.

Understanding Relative Positions: The Liberal Problem with Palin

The most destructive strategic errors come from misunderstanding an opponent's position. When Sun Tzu writes about deception in the first chapter of The Art of War, the point is that the easiest way to control an opponent is to control their perceptions. The biggest benefit of the Palin pick as VP is that it plays into all the left's misconceptions about traditional values.


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