I have read the book called the art of war, but I was un aware that they so many versions or interpretations of it. What are the advantages of studying at your school?
Back in May, I said that one of the problems with Iraq was that we needed, at some point, to be able to claim victory and that Bush didn't see to know how. Fortunately, it seems that McCain has the right idea, as we see here in this video (via Gatewaypundit). we had to be able, as And, good for John McCain for finally claiming Victory in Iraq:
The more things change, the more they are the same. A recent ABC news poll of commanders on the ground in Iraq, the commanders echo Sun Tzu. Quoting Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond in Sadr City:
"Instead of any time-based approach to any decision for withdrawal, it's got to be conditions-based..."
How long have politicians been getting this idea wrong. 2,500 years ago, Sun Tzu said:
"The army's position is made more difficult by politicians in three different ways.
Ignorant of the whole army’s inability to advance, they order an advance.
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