
Pakistan: Positioning for the Future

At the core of good strategy is a sense of humility. We recognized that we cannot control the future, so we must positioning ourselves so that we can take advantage of what the future holds. The difference between internal planning and external strategy is the recognition that events in the larger world are out of our control. Good positions leave us with viable options in the case of any likely event.

Negotiating with Iran

The basis of all agreements is shared goals, or what Sun Tzu called "tao," the way. A shared mission is what holds organizations together. Diplomacy is the art of finding shared goals by avoiding conflict. It assumes that a negotiated agreement can be better for both parties than the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (called the BATNA in negotiation talk. Negotiations can often work because, as Sun Tzu taught, conflict is inherently costly to both parties, even the winner. If there is no shared advantage to an agreement and no fear of the costs of conflict, agreements are impossible.

Cannot Resist Posting This

http://www.michaelyon-online.com/media/images/disp/Thanks/ThankPraise400.jpg A new view of Iraq that everyone should see again and again. War is always about more than the killing and death of people. It is about which ideas survive and which ideas die. Some futures are well worth dying for no matter what your politics.


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