Warrior Training

This topic relates directly to the special methods and tools for training strategy.

Article on Adaptability workshop

http://www.gordon.army.mil/pao/Innovative_training_methods_mold_next_gen... Innovative training methods mold next generation leaders Lt. Col. Kris Ellis 442nd Signal Battalion September 12, 2008 A seminar recently met, breaking into working groups, talking through scenarios; but there were no agendas, no established break times and really no boundries or guidance given. The instructor didn't even introduce himself. The students could just let their thoughts run. Could freeing up the training environment help leaders learn how to make decisions fast?

Competition and Enemies


Competition, it's pervasive, it's the human condition. Do you consider yourself a competitive person? Have you ever sought to gain something, anything, that another is seeking to gain at the same time? If so, you were competing. When you were a child, did you try to get the attention of your parents, friends, and teachers? Have you ever participated in a sport? Do you find yourself selling your ideas or products to those you meet?

Competitive Arenas: 


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