9.0 Environmental Vulnerability

Principles describing the use of and defense from common attacks.

Apple vs. Google: An Environmental Attack

Apple filed a lawsuit against HTC, the maker of Google's Nexus One Android Phone. This in an interesting example of what Sun Tzu calls a "fire attack," but which we describe more generically in the Warrior's Rule Book as an attack based on an environmental vulnerability ([node:content/strategic-principle-day-90-most-dangerous-attacks-established-positions-are-environment-atta link]).

Warrior's Rules: 

Competitive Arenas: 

UPS vs. Fedex Environmental Attack

Right now we are seeing a classical "fire attack" launched by FedEx on UPS using the government as a proxy. Sun Tzu's spends an chapter discussing the concept of "fire attacks," where an opponent uses the environment to attack an opponent and we devote and entire section of The Rule Book to the issues he raises regarding vulnerability. Quoting the introductory article in the Warrior's Rule Book on the topic (9.0 Using Vulnerability):

Warrior's Rules: 

Competitive Arenas: 


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