
John Allison, BB&T Bank, and Moral Philosophy

Good strategy is based on a shared mission. In Sun Tzu's strategy, a philosophy is a set of higher values. Businesses always forget that the highest missions are based on a moral philosophy.  This is the story of  John Allison, the longtime CEO and current Chairman of the Board for BB&T Bank.  National Review did a story on how his philosophy allowed his bank to stay out of the troubles most finanicial institutions got into during the sub-prime and bailout eras.  Quoting from it:

Warrior's Rules: 

Competitive Arenas: 

An ideal context for disruptive new energy innovations?:

Clayton Christensen writes brilliantly about the concept and properties of disruptive innovations in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms To Fail”. Disruptive innovations have the characteristics of a shift in paradigm – the way we perceive the relevant products’ context is fundamentally changed. The term “disruptive” reflects the effect the innovations have on the competitive arena when being challenged by such innovations. Existing suppliers are taken by surprise by these innovations.


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