
Understanding the Power Curve

An important part of Sun Tzu's strategy is the amplifying effect of growing networks. I call this effect, the "power curve." For Sun Tzu, reputation, innovation, momentum, esprit d'corps, and many other elements of strategy depend on the power curve, which are generally misunderstood among a general population that prefers to think in staight lines.

The Philosophical Filter

Continuing the last post about why people are unable to correctly analyze positions, let us talk about the philosophical barriers to perception. Successful strategic philosophies cannot filter out contrary information. That route leads to sudden unexpected collapses, what I think of as Louis XVI failures.

Driving Forces in Darfur

Sun Tzu list the elements important to a strategic position in their order of priority: 1) philosophy, 2) climate, 3) ground, 4) leadership, and 5) methods. When it comes to conflict, philosophical battles trump climate/ground battles and climate/ground battles trump leadership/methods battles.


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