
Kerry's Long-term Strategy

Sun Tzu teaches the persistence is a critical part of competitive success. Already, as we can see in this report, Kerry is doing a much better job than Gore in not surrendering his position in the party. He never developed a winning position for the presidency, but he realizes that as the nominee, he has a position in the party that he can build on.

Misunderstanding Positions

One of the most difficult tasks in strategy is seeing your own position objectively. Since the election, I have been looking for some sign that the Democrats recognize that they lost the election (not only the presidential, but the congressional) because they failed to establish a clear strategic position and instead choose to to attack their opponent's position. I have seen little sign of this.

Political Words versus Deeds

This is the strangest concept of strategic positioning that I have ever read in the media. No matter what Kerry or his people think, Gore's mistake in the last election was not getting enough votes in Florida. It was not what he said about the situation. Strategically, positioning arises from action. The election was delayed by Gore's action, filing suit in the Florida supreme court for a recount.


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