
Driving Forces in Darfur

Sun Tzu list the elements important to a strategic position in their order of priority: 1) philosophy, 2) climate, 3) ground, 4) leadership, and 5) methods. When it comes to conflict, philosophical battles trump climate/ground battles and climate/ground battles trump leadership/methods battles.

Climate in China

Sun Tzu was the first to articulate the idea that climate was one of the key factors in warfare. A recent scientific study not only verifies the role of climate, but with a formula that could have come straight from the The Art of War: cold climate = hot war. Question: Does this make the fight against "global warming" is a form of warmongering?

Talk, Action, and Position

Sun Tzu spends most of his ninth chapter, Field Position, explaining how to interpret the difference between people's words and their actions. When your actions contradict your words, you always betray your real position. This is especially a problem for elitist leaders, who often think that they can preach one set of rules while living by another. Europe with its long tradition of class distinctions often expects its leaders to act like elitists, but America has a very different tradition.


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