
What Everyone "Knows:" Global Warming and the Death of the Media

Strategy teaches that most contests among people are won on the basis of superior knowledge, but that the biggest strategic opportunities come not from exploiting the ignorance of others, but from exploiting their misconceptions. To borrow from Will Rodgers, "It isn't want we don't know that gets us in trouble. It is what we know, that ain't so."

The Elites and Global Warming

"Global warming" (the political movement, not the physical fact) is quickly becoming the best possible illustration of everything that is going wrong with modern society. In a single topic, it encapsulates:
  • 1. The "respect gap" between doers and talkers, best illustrated by the fact that the global warming talker-in-chief, Al Gore, is lionized in the media and Hollywood for his talk while in his personal life, he produces more carbon gas the a fire in a coal mine.


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