
Science, the State, and Your Future

Sun Tzu's strategy is a science, designed to systematically analyze the human psychology of competition. While those in the media constantly claim that science in under attack by religion, the truth is that science can never threatened by religion, that is, by what people believe. As a method, it is available to anyone who chooses to use it, regardless of belief. Instead the sciences are constantly threatened by the state, which has always sought to control people through the control of information.

Predicting Your Future: The Ground and the Climate

This post examines two predictions of future catastrophes. The first is Global Warming. The second is the collapse of Social Security. One of these catastrophes is completely predictable and avoidable and yet largely ignored by the media and government, which refuses to take action to avoid it. The other is completely unpredictable and, if true, just as completely unavoidable, and yet it is discussed everyday in the media any by members of the government who insist that actions must be taken. This post examines why one is predictable, that other not, why they are treated so differently, and why understanding what is predictable and controllable and what is not is so important to your personal success.

Freedom, Creativity, and the Fear Mongers

As we mourn the death of one of the great champions of freedom, Milton Friedman, (a great article by Thomas Sowell here, a summary of many of his ideas on freedom here) we should recognize that champions of strategy must also be champions of freedom. I thought of Friedman while I read about a new process for inexpensively processing oil shale. This process could lower the price of a barrel of oil to as little as $17. How would such a breakthrough benefit the economies of the world? How would it undermine state tyrannies based on the control of oil? More importantly, what role does freedom play in these innovations and how does regulation prevent them?


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