Benefits of Becoming a SOSI Trainer/Master

A Strategy Basic Trainer/Master the highest level of membership the Science of Strategy Institute. A Trainer/Master gets complete access to all on-line materials, including the ability to download SOSI Training PowerPoints for our various live training classes.

For information about how to become a SOSI Trainer/Master, go here.
To purchase a SOSI Training/Master license, go here.

The Benefits

When we license you are a SOSI Trainer/Master, you get:

  • Access to the Institute's PowerPoint training material for your use and inclusion in your own material (the basic description of materials here).
  • The complete ebook strategy Library of the Institute's Publications to serve as your private library for mastering the Sun Tzu's Play Book and as samples for developing new material
  • Access to our Strategy School On-Line Training for your personal training certification and for access to our slideshows, and sample presentation videos.
  • License to appropriately use the official SOSI logos in promotional and course materials consistent with program policies
  • Reseller discounts on all SOSI books, audios, and videos.

Access our material is just the first step, getting licensed also pays for your certification and allows the authorization of your courseware:

  • Licensed Trainers are instructors who are licensed to use Institute Material as part of their training program.
  • Certified Trainers are instructors who have successfully pass through the Institute's Strategy Professional Certification process.
  • Authorized Trainers are instructors who have had their unique course material approved as teaching strategic principles recognized by  Sun Tzu's PlayBook.

The Trainer/Master program has been designed to promote awareness of Sun Tzu's strategy, create professional standard and credibility for those offering Sun Tzu's Rules training, and to assist in the ongoing strategic education and certification of SOSI's members in the various discipline of Sun Tzu's strategy.

NOTE: The basic training materials (slide shows, seminars, etc) were developed PRIOR to the completion of our Sun Tzu's PlayBook at the end of 2011. The Sun Tzu's PlayBook was designed to create a more structured curriculum in Sun Tzu's methods.This agreement does NOT cover any advanced presentations, exercises, and tools developed since completion of the Sun Tzu's PlayBook. Gary Gagliardi is currently using and developing this advanced material for his own presentations.  Access to this new material will be made available to only to those who are initially licensed under this Basic Agreement.

Competitive Arenas: