An overview for those who a just beginning to learn Sun Tzu's strategic system

There are hundreds of books written about different aspects strategy in business. The work here is different. It describes a universal approach to strategy, oen that works not only in business but in every aspect of life. The skills we offer are based on Sun Tzu's concept of "strategic agility." We call this approach the Golden Key Strategy. It consists generally of nine formulas. 

People can brag about reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War, but reading the work gives most people few insights about how competition works. In translation, Sun Tzu's The Art of War reads like a collection of vague military aphorisms. While we offer a free copy of the work for you to read, we encourage you to look beyond simply reading the work.

Our goal is to make it easy to apply Sun Tzu's type of competitive agility to everyday challenges. To this end, we developed Sun Tzu's Play Book as a detailed explanation of this system in today's terms of modern competition and a number of training vehicles to helping you understanding it. This method deals with the the work as it was written in the original Chinese: as a series of detailed rules in the formulas of ancient Chinese science.  However, before you dive into all these new concepts about how competition works, you should understand why learning this "science of strategy" is worth your time.

Our Decisions Matter

Sun Tzu's teachings fill a hole in our training. Sadly, our education system was designed to train workers not warriors, producers not competitors. Because of this, most of us fall back upon our instinctual "fight or flight" response when faced with challenges. Sun Tzu teaches that our success depends on our individual decision-making in interacting with other people. These decisions depend on our training. These instincts lead to destructive instead of productive decisions. Sun Tzu taught a new way for us to see competition.

A Vision of Success

Sun Tzu teaches that competition is not conflict between enemies. Competition means a comparison among alternative positions. While we can compare our position to those of others, what we should compare is our current position to our potential positions. Strateagic agility or strategility--is the abiity to change competitive positions effortlessly. Our positions are linked to the positions of others. Strategility works in a dynamic environment of complementary opposing relationships. To reach our goals in this adaptive process, we avoid costly conflict and instead look for openings to build positions.

Easy and Inexpensive.

You can start mastering the rules of strategility for free. Though SOSI has trained some of the world's largest organizations, this strategy is not just for the big decisions of big bosses. We do not make Sun Tzu's Rules complicated to sell expensive consulting. Start with our free copy of The Art of War. Then visit our site daily and read our Rules Article of the Day. When you want to get more serious about mastering the rules, we offer memberships, books, CDs/DVDs, on-line and on-site classes.

For Every Type of Challenge

Sun Tzu teaches us how to make productive decisions in competitive situations. Our Sun Tzu's Play Book takes his concepts from their original context of ancient Chinese culture and military warfare and puts them into general terms that apply to modern competition. Each of the Play Book's nine sections covers a different area of competitive skills.

On the Front-Lines.

We are all on the front-lines of dealing with a more competitive world. Our strategy rules are not just for occasional planning meetings. Sun Tzu's Rules create a big-picture perspective about our competitive position and a set of tools for making better decisions about our external situation.

Train Gut Instincts.

Sun Tzu's Rules teach us what actions to take. They are not cerebral intellectual analysis. Competitive situations are so complex and dynamic that we must rely on our gut reactions. Conscious thought is linear and limited. We consciously train to learn rules, but mastery of those rules makes better decision-making automatic.