Trend to Environmental Attacks? Redbox Video In Indiana

The Indiana DA has requested Redbox to remove all but G-rated videos from its kiosks. This attack was sparked by a lawyer representing local video rental stores. The video stores have no legal basis for attacking Redbox directly, but nothing prevents them from using the mechanisms of government to do so indirectly.

So environmental attacks aren't used by big companies such as Apple on big rivals such as Google. Small, local companies also use them. And, they are growing more prevalent. Why? Because the balance is tipping from market competition to competition for government approval.

The growth of government intrusion into our lives is encouraging more and more of these environmental attacks. The problem, of course, is that these attacks are inherently destructive both in our quality of life and of the value of our decisions.

Free markets are controlled by customers who can freely decide what product or service is worth their money. Competition in markets improve the quality of goods while it reduces their costs. Since production is the basis of market competition, the world can only get richer from it.

The world gets poorer when success in competition is based on destruction. The problems with environmental attacks is that the costs of destruction are born by the taxpayer, not the competing business that triggers the attack. While competitors are usually discouraged from direct destructive attacks because of their costs, the increased size and power of government destroys businesses for political reasons having nothing to do with consumer preference.

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