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“The [Strategy School] training is great—the real deal. Not like the general hype.” Bill Jordan, Bill Jordan Marketing

“Hi, Gary. Thank you—the [Warrior Class] lessons and the course  are fabulous!! I am addicted....Fortunately for me, my job allows me to spend many hours each day online. So what normally takes weeks I can do in days. Most days I spend 4–6 hours studying. I have found already that Sun Tzu and you have changed my way of thinking. Many positive things are coming from this for me, and I envision a brighter future.” Lawrence Healy

“I am going throughthe Warrior Classes, and as I learn, I find myself getting addicted to Sun Tzu. I never imagined that it would be that powerful!!Mohamed Tohami

“The [Strategy School] lessons are fantastic—in content and the method and format of teaching—TOP NOTCH!”Joshua Logan, Dayton, NV

“I am addicted [to Strategy School on-line training]. I am past the initial 21 lessons and this is as important as oxygen is to the body. I have been spending 2 hours in the evening and 2 hours before bed studying this. I also bought Art of War and Art of Sales. I will be ordering your Golden Keysoff the site. I have forwarded your web site to my associates in the industry. I know of 2 who are signing up so far. Great work on this, Gary. I am just getting started and this is a PERFECT fit for our industry.” Kobe Zimmerman, distressed property investor

“This morning I downloaded and watched the first set of videos [from the Strategy School] and I am absolutely amazed. Before X-mas I read Sun Tzu on recommendation from a friend. I knew there was something deep in this but I just could not see how to apply it. I searched the net and found your site. I read your free version and it made a lot more sense but still could not totally grasp it. Today I watched these videos and it is as though Gary has come up to me and said, ‘Hey, you use binoculars this way round!’ WOW! I can now see the whole business environment, and life’s stuff in a totally new perspective!Mike Whitehouse

“I have recently returned to the National Guard and I am preparing for officer candidacy school. I thought I would do a little reading before I got into that environment. I have learned much from the online classes. It was a very nice presentation and easy read. Most of the time I found if I listened to my gut I would have scored better on the tests...very good lessons. I did poorly but I learned a lot and I started without having had any previous reading. It was fun.” SPC Melody MacMurray

“It’s Kelly Stomber from S Florida, again. I wanted to say I am really enjoying the[Warrior Class] lessons and the format; they really get me thinking!” Kelly Stomber

“Just a note to say how grateful I am for your EASY-to-learn version of The Art of War. I had read several books but was never able to really start to grasp the concepts until reading your book and signing up for your warrior class and strategy school. I would still be lost or, worse yet, be using the ideas of The Art of War in the completely wrong way. Thanks again.” James Mirabal

“I have been studying martial arts for 20 years. I hold a 4th-degree black belt in TaeKwonDo. I've studied many books on the various translations of Art of War. Your set is the best as it arms us with the vocabulary of strategy and a way to understand what is happening in a chaotic world around us. It’s daily reading for me now! Any free time I have I spend on your [Strategy School] material. I wish I had come across your books [Golden Key] earlier. One of my goals is (as is articulated in your material) to make my reactions to changing environments fast and accurate.” Ratinder Paul Singh Ahuja, Ph.D., CTO, Reconnex Corp.


On-Line Training in Sun Tzu's The Art of War

If you want to use Sun Tzu's principles in the decisions you make every day, you need to retrain your responses. On each reading of The Art of War, you discover something new because your situation has changed. The Strategy School trains you to recognize situations as they arise so that you know instantly how to respond. It is not nearly as satisfying to re-read Sun Tzu and realize that you should have handled a recent situation differently. Our training reprograms your decision-making reflexes to automatically use Sun Tzu's methods. Our customers' success stories prove that our training works. A FULL Membership includes all the courseware below. You can also sign up for individual courses.



Slide Show Lessons Warrior Class Lessons Video Lessons Strategy
Audio Lessons Art of War eBooks
Theses slide shows give you a quick, simple visual overview of Sun Tzu’s system.  They cover every chapter of The Art of War with several overviews.Read more.

Our originalWarrior Class Lessons include over 300 interactive, self-scoring lessons in general strategy. It certifies three levels of general strategic knowledge. Get aFREE TRIAL HERE.

We offer two  video courses based on our live seminars. Amazing Secrets covers the 13 chapters of The Art of War. Keys to Sun Tzu covers its major principles. Read more here. The first issue is FREE to our bi-weekly publication on the principles of classical strategy. Articles are written by our Masters and include academic papers and selections from upcoming books.  Read more. Our audio courseware includes audio downloads of our books and seminars. As we create new audios for download, their lessons are first made available here. Read more. The Strategy School is the only place you can get our out-of-print works such as The Art of Love and Art of Parenting Teens, and our Warrior Lessons for Sales, Marketing, and Management. Read more.

Copyright 2001-2007 Clearbridge Publishing. All rights reserved.
The leading publishers of award-winning books based on Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.